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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671



The Impact of Change Management on the Organizational Climate: An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Workers at Al-Kindi Hospital in Baghdad Governorate

Dr. Maysoon Ali Hussein, Dr. Haneen Qasim Hasan

Volume: 13 Issue: 3 2023


Research Objective to Recognize the Relationship between Organizational Climate and Change Management at Canadian Hospital research ", the researcher used the exploratory curriculum in a scanning manner to fit it and the nature of the research problem, The research community and its samples were identified from its boundaries of a group of Canadian hospital staff Questionnaire form was distributed as a data collection tool and 30 questionnaire forms were distributed to hospital staff and fully recovered and analysed in the programme (SPSS) In the light of the findings, the researcher found that there was a strong, statistically significant, moral firsthand link between change management and the organizational climate at an indicative level (0.05) and an indicative level recorded (0.001), and a statistically significant moral effect of change management dimensions (Change in organizational structure, technological change, change in functions) and organizational climate at an indicative level (0.05) and at an indicative level recorded (0.001). The research recommended that the hospital's managerial leadership should recognize the importance of positive change and the need to prepare its cadres to accept change, that modern management should assess the different alternatives available before making decisions, and that they must have a plan to manage resistance and motivate staff to change, including open and transparent communication with staff and provide them with training and support. Leaders and managers must also adopt a comprehensive change management approach, including planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. They must clearly define goals and expectations and provide the necessary resources to achieve them. It must make you feel regret it, when you read more about the website. You must find UK swiss luxury replica watches here.

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DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v13i03.018

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